Wondering about the early years education of your child? It is said, that in the moment a baby is born, parents start worrying about their future. They want to make sure to provide the best possible environment for the child to grow and develop and live his/her full potential. Mothers and fathers want their children to have options in life. Education should open doors of success and future opportunities for them.
To ensure a bright future for your child, it is important to allow him/her to use this first years of life to gain a broad understanding of the world, how it works and what it holds for her/him. School is a blessing, if it helps your child to develop skills which they can take with them for a life time.
Our TLI Pedagogics Curriculum uses a holistic approach that addresses your child according to his/her unique development. In TLI Pedagogics we call this “developmental-sensitive approach”. This also includes the understanding of a child’s development that results in different approaches at different stages of life. To facilitate emotional-social development we use multi-age groups throughout preschool, kindergarten and primary school.
The TLI Pedagogics Curriculum anchors in the five pillars of TLI = The Lelek Idea:
L= |
Lebensnah entwickeln (German Language) Life oriented development – |
E= |
Erkennen von Stärken (German Language) Understand your inner strengths – |
L= |
Leichtigkeit durch Vielfalt (German Language) Easiness through diversity – |
E= |
Erfahrungen sammeln (German Language) Collecting experiences – |
K= |
Kind-bewusstes agieren Kids-oriented acting – |
- In the first three years of life, we allow your child to discover the world around him/her. The child becomes stimulated by impulses in the environment which allow the brain to absorb endless different qualities which will be processed and stored in the human being through using the senses (feeling, hearing, seeing taste, smell, intuition). This three to four years are the years of discovery. Sensory play, movement and understanding the body as well as positive vibes should surround children in this age. Everything is play. Play is the method of learning. The Certified TLI Guide is a helping hand for the child and nurtures through loving and kind presence.
- During the second period from age 3 1/2 – 6 years, TLI Pedagogics focuses on the emotional-social development and exploration of skills. Your child is questioning everything. Reasoning sets in. The child will find an inspiring environment that allows to experiment and explore new things. Exploration does not just happen in the area of knowledge but also in the area of human contact. Friends become important to your child. Learning how to address another child and how to solve conflicts will be a major task to accomplish during these years. The main focus is on studying through play, experimentation and work in small groups of 2 – 6 children. The Certified TLI Mentor is the co-worker of the children and mentors through conflicts till the children are able to solve them by themselves.
- During the third period from age 6 – 9 years, TLI Pedagogics focuses on the exploration of knowledge and production. This is the time, when children love to gain new information and knowledge on a next level and bring it into practice. The TLI School environment is an interactive workshop set up in which children learn through study and group work. Interviews, Philosophic approaches, discussions, voting, experiments, study, interactive play, role play and much more will be the central methods for gaining knowledge and skills.