From day ONE – parents are the source of inspiration for their children. They act as mentors, guides, teachers, partners, coaches, therapist and much more. While a child is a blessing, it also is a life change that calls for transformation. In TLI Pedagogics we understand parenting as a role in which we help children to develop from dependence to independence.
During the time, when the infant is unable to walk, parents help them understand the world and engage through carrying them around and bringing “the world” to the baby. As soon as the baby can walk, he/she takes over the control of movement. The same concept is true for anything till the child reaches adulthood.
We understand that parents want to make sure they create the best physical, emotional, mental and social learning environment for the child. They want them to have a positive outlook, a bright future ahead. To be able to do so, it takes knowledge / wisdom and personality. In TLI Pedagogics we help parents to:
- study and understand child development and parenting skills.
- transform themselves to that being, which they (as a parent) want to role model to their child.